Sunday, March 12, 2023



Okay this is a little sneak peek at what my month looks like for now. I was so stressed and honestly overwhelmed because we reached the halfway point and I felt like I reached a standstill. Putting it all on my calendar actually helped me out so much. I know that people always say it does and I do in fact choose to ignore it but yea..... it helped! So thank you to my mom who told me "Just write it all down" every single time I've complained about a stress induced headache.

Basically it's looking like I'm going to be editing the weekend of spring break and I blocked out 4 shooting days which honestly seems like more than enough for me. I've been perfecting my shot list because one of my settings is in Aventura and there is no way I'm driving more than two days there because I feel like it would be unfair to Martina and to my gas bill.

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