Friday, March 3, 2023

Big Girl Punctuation :(

 Ok I got flamed for only using lowercase letters. Booooooo.

But today I had my second class meeting with Stoklosa and here's what we covered:

- Title name ideas (Basically solidified that it would be "trial 143")

- How to structure both of my trailers differently: One with genre, one with character

-My filming location

-I gave her a few videos I watched on structuring trailers that I really enjoyed

Lately I've been feeling like I'm at a standstill which is always annoying. I have everything like the side pieces: music, font, name, actress, sorted out but I really need to to my shot list. That's my first major thing moving forward so I really want to plan that out. A big issue is that I normally have a vision in my head and I don't write it down so by the time I get to actually filming or doing something it could take longer than it actually should. Stoklosa told me that this is a bad habit I need to break because it makes it stressful for filming day and it makes it hard for people to work with me, which is never a good thing.

Last night I decided to research my own case study: Hypnotic (2022). It's one of the only recent movies that has anything to do with hypnosis and I thought I could use some inspiration from that film to create my mood. To be honest the film was terrible and I left the viewing experience with very few things. It also made me realize that it is pretty difficult to play with this idea of mind distortion. Something that I did really like and I want to incorporate in my film is the repetition of words and the importance of light throughout. Hypnosis in general is performed through mental images, suggestions and the blinking of light. I want to use this because it will be visually appealing and will incorporate one of the core stereotypes of hypnosis. The hard thing about a trailer is eluding the plot and giving a sense of the movie without making any spoilers at all.

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