Tuesday, February 28, 2023

class feedback

 okayy so i got a few things from this class discussion that are useful:

1. could possibly film in hannah's parents office

2. might change the ending so its not cliche

3. need to figure out the editing so its not that crazy

all of these things are very basic and things that i kind of knew (except for the location)

also i found out that this is week 4 of the project which is INSANE because i thought i had way moe time to work but i really don't want to stress. i have spring break coming up and i'm gonna see how i can film with martina during those days. she said she might go to gainseville and lowkey i might too soooooo i need to figure it out. spring break is a huge opportunity to film with no distractions and i really need that time. i'm gonna pull out my big monthly calendar when i get home so i can plan.

ok i just got told this whole thing got introduced feb 1 LMAO what. its been 28 days. so in february terms its been a month. so counting from tomorrow i have a month and like a week. which honestly isnt a lot when i really think of it. 

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