Sunday, March 19, 2023

day two filming: 3/19 + Behind the Scenes

 Today was so good. SOO GOOD.

What scenes did we shoot day?

1. Overall establishing shots of the building (Lab)

2. Hypnosis scenes

3. Discovering her file

Now I know this doesn't seem like a lot but it was a lot of shots and they have genuine meaning for the film. SO you ask: Vane why did you drive 40 minutes for only 20 seconds of footage. AUTHENTICITY. This conference room and office in general added so much to the legitimacy of my film and tied in perfectly with my vision. The gas wasted was worth it 100%.

Here's some of our BTS from today:

Equipment for today: My Nikon 7100 camera, an extra lens (200-300mm), tripod, extra battery, charger!

Shooting our elevator scenes: Fun fact Martina is scared of elevators but you did not hear that here! thanks byeeee.

The lovely 40 minute drive to Aventura where all drivers forget to put their turn signals and are constantly on their phones... Fun!

Filming some of our contract and hypnosis scenes with the camera and the tripod all set up.. very exciting things coming!

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