Friday, February 10, 2023

I"M BACK! YEAR TWO! back and better than ever.....

 ok so

let's debrief a little. let's talk about what happened last year, what happened this year, and all the exciting things to come. (insert your cheer)

last year was rough and there was a lot of things that went wrong. i wish that i would've shown part of my potential, ATLEAST an 80% but i was so burnt out i prioritized everything but this project. my project delphi last year had a good idea but girl was that execution mediocre. i think i can confidently say that i know my classmates, mrs. stoklosa and basically everyone around me expected so much more. it sucked to disappoint and to feel like i didn't reach my potential at all, it was pretty much the worst feeling. 

(insert boooooo)t

this year has been pretty different overall. i started off pretty strong with my identity project, which i look back at now and can tweak because i have definitely changed a lot since. i had my documentary process with hannah which was such a beautiful process but not the best outcome. we did work really hard and we had to adjust to the location which was in aventura (my first time on the highway!). i think what i learned the most is that people will always base you on your final project and they never see what it took to get there, so it was a good lesson to keep in mind throughout the year. we just finished our trailer project and YAY. i haven't been so motivated in a long time honestly. i'm constantly stuck in an artistic rut because when i take pictures lately it's been for a job or commission and never for pleasure anymore. doing this project with martina and jack was a bigger revelation to me than i ever would've thought. i learned so much about my own personal style since i filmed it and i was able to connect a lot with martina. i think you realize that sometimes the people you expect the least are those that mesh and complement your style. we saw eye to eye on mostly all the creative direction and whenever there was any kind of hesitance between two ideas, we would just find a way to blend them. i really loved this project and i can say i was proud of it. i was excited for people to critique and see the movie posters i made. it was the most excited i had been in my time in this class.

ugh yay. i look at them and i'm so proud. i feel like its not often that i can showcase photography in this class or my love for designing but this trailer project brought out the best in me for sure. there's always room for improvement but this was a good step towards my portfolio.

let's talk about the future:
ok so.

based on what i've been saying about this year i think you can guess that i'm doing the trailer project. i was so sad that the music video had to be a local band or original song because i know if i could just adapt a song i liked into a video it would be incredible. anyways, i do think the trailer is a big challenger for me. making two different trailers out of one movie is tough and trying to make them very different is gonna be the hardest part for me.

lets talk about ideas lol.


okay i can't expect to have it figured out, yesterday was day 1 so i won't kill myself over not having an idea right away. i know that i like dystopian, thriller, suspense films but how do i do that? i wanted kind of a black mirror episode type of vibe. thats how my brain works and it would be my best production. i'm so excited at the thought of my OWN work. my own brain. my own creation. my own shots and my own ideas. 

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